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Nuruddin Ar Raniri's full name is Nuruddin Muhammad bin Ali bin Hasanji bin Muhammad bin Hamid Ar Raniri Al Quraysy asy syafi'i

 Nuruddin Ar Raniri's full name is Nuruddin Muhammad bin Ali bin Hasanji bin Muhammad bin Hamid Ar Raniri Al Quraysy Asy Syafi'i. He was born around the middle of the 16th century in Ranir (now Rander) in the Gujarat area, India, and he died on 22 Dzulhijjah 1069 H or coincided with September 21, 1658 AD. As an immigrant he began to migrate to the archipelago, choosing Aceh as a place of residence.

 his stay. Before traveling he taught religion and was appointed as the Sheikh of the Rifa'iyah Order in India. he came to aceh on May 31, 1637. Some assume that his arrival to Aceh was because Aceh at that time had replaced the role of Malacca which was controlled by the Portuguese, as a center of trade, politics, and Islamic studies in the Southeast Asian region. Nuruddin Ar Raniri is known as a very prolific scholar and writer. In each of his writings he also always mentions the source of his retrieval to strengthen the arguments he has explained. 

His writings cover various branches of religious knowledge, such as history, Fiqh, Hadith, Aqidah, Mysticism, Philosophy, and also comparative religion. His work in the field of fiqh which is quite famous is Al Sirath Al Mustaqim (straight moves), discussing issues of worship such as prayer, fasting, and zakat. His other works include Bustan Al Salatin (containing history) and Asrar Al Ihsan fil Ma'rifat al Ruh wa Al Rohman (containing knowledge of kalam). Nuruddin Ar Raniri is written in history as a scholar who has great services in disseminating the Malay language in the Southeast Asian region. At that time the Malay language had spread to become the Lingua Franca.

 Nuruddin Ar Raniri was assigned as mufti of the kingdom of Aceh during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Sani. This important position made him free to explain the heresy of Wahdatul Wujud's teachings and oppose and eradicate these teachings which had been developed by Hamzah Fansury and his student Syamsuddin As Sumatrani. Besides Ar Raniri destroying books by Hamzah Fansuri and Syamsuddin As Sumatrani, Ar Raniri also published writings with the aim of refuting the opinion of Wujudiyah which was considered heretical. 

The works for this purpose include Asrar Al Arifin (Secret of someone who reaches knowledge), Syarab Al A'syiqin (drink of lovers) and Al Muntahi (reaching the peak), in addition to writing Ar Raniri also refuted through open polemics. with the followers of Wujudiyyah.

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